【全球同发】IAR 与先楫半导体达成战略合作,全面支持先楫半导体高性能RISC-V MCU开发


(中国|上海)2023年6月14日,在embedded world China首届展会举办期间,嵌入式开发软件和服务的全球领导者 IAR  与国产领先高性能MCU厂商先楫半导体(HPMicro)共同宣布达成战略合作协议:IAR 最新的 Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 版本将全面支持先楫HPM6000高性能RISC-V MCU系列,这是IAR 首次支持高性能通用RISC-V MCU产品系列。IAR为先楫半导体的创新产品提供全面的开发工具支持,包括代码编辑、编译、调试等功能,帮助开发人员充分利用先楫半导体高性能RISC-V MCU的潜力。

Shanghai, China, June 14, 2023 - During the first embedded world China exhibition, IAR, the global leader in embedded development software and services, announced a strategic partnership with HPMicro Semiconductor Co., Ltd (HPMicro), a leading high-performance MCU Supplier in China. IAR's latest version of Embedded Workbench for RISC-V will fully support HPMicro's HPM6000 high-performance RISC-V MCU series, marking the first time that IAR supports a high-performance general-purpose RISC-V MCU product line. IAR will provide comprehensive development tool support to enable developers to fully utilize the potential of HPMicro's high-performance RISC-V MCUs, including code editing, compilation, and debugging functionalities.

先楫半导体是一家致力于高性能嵌入式解决方案的半导体公司,目前已经量产的高性能通用MCU产品系列包含HPM6700/6400、HPM6300及HPM6200,性能领先国际同类产品并通过AEC-Q100认证。公司已完成ISO9001质量管理认证和ISO 26262功能安全管理体系认证。先楫MCU产品在工业、汽车和能源市场有广大的客户基础,涉及应用包括伺服电机控制、工业机器人、数字电源( PFC/ LLC/CLLC )、储能BMS、逆变器、新能源汽车EVCC、车载OBD诊断系统、数字音频等多个领域。

HPMicro is a fabless company dedicated to high-performance embedded solutions. Their current lineup of high-performance general-purpose MCU products includes HPM6700/6400, HPM6300, and HPM6200, which have industry-leading performance and are AEC-Q100 certified. The company has achieved ISO9001 quality management certification and IEC 61508/ISO 26262 functional safety management system certification. HPMicro's MCU products have a wide customer base in industrial, and automotive markets, with applications ranging from servo motor control, industrial robotics, digital power supplies, and energy storage BMS, inverters, electrical vehicles onboard OBD diagnostic systems, to digital audio, and many other fields.

先楫半导体CEO曾劲涛先生表示,“先楫半导体与IAR 之间的战略协议是我们致力于为嵌入式系统市场提供优越解决方案的重要里程碑。IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 是业界公认的嵌入式集成开发解决方案的领导者。此次合作必将为先楫半导体的RISC-V高性能MCU产品系列带来更广泛的开发者基础和更全面的开发支持。”

Mr. Zeng Jintao, CEO of HPMicro, stated, "The strategic agreement between HPMicro and IAR is an important milestone in our commitment to providing best-in-class solutions for the embedded systems market. IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is recognized as a leader in the industry for embedded integrated development solutions. This collaboration will undoubtedly bring a broader developer base and comprehensive development support for HPMicro's high-performance RISC-V MCU product series."

久经考验的 IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 以其一流的代码体积优化功能,在众多 RISC-V 开发者中久负盛名,旨在帮助企业使用体积更小的芯片或为现有平台增加更多的功能。由于代码是利用工具链的先进优化技术生成的,因此在 EEMBC 认证实验室的 CoreMark 测试中,其表现出令人信服的快速代码和行业领先的性能。内含的 C-SPY 调试器使开发人员能够完全实时地控制应用,其中包括使用复杂的断点、Profiling、代码覆盖、带有中断的时间线和功耗记录。而完全集成的代码分析工具确保代码能够符合特定的标准,如 MISRA C(2004 年和 2012 年),以及最佳编程实践,如CWE 和 CERT C 安全编码标准,帮助客户提高代码质量。经过TUV SUD认证的功能安全认证版本的 IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V,满足包括ISO26226 和IEC61508在内的十个功能安全标准,可以帮助用户加速功能安全产品开发和认证。此外,IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 还具有强大的调试和跟踪功能。

The proven IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is well-known among RISC-V developers for its superior code size optimization, aiming to help companies use smaller chips or add more functionalities to existing platforms. Generated using advanced optimization techniques, the code demonstrates impressive speed and industry-leading performance in EEMBC-certified CoreMark tests. The included IAR C-SPY debugger allows developers to have real-time control over applications, including complex breakpoints, profiling, code coverage, interrupt timelines, and power measurement. The fully integrated add-on code analysis tools ensure compliance with specific standards such as MISRA C (2004 and 2012) and best programming practices like CWE and CERT C security coding standards, helping customers improve code quality. The TUV SUD certified Functional Safety Certification version of IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V meets ten functional safety standards, including ISO 26262 and IEC 61508, enabling users to accelerate functional safety product development and certification. Additionally, IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V offers powerful debugging and tracing capabilities.

“我们很高兴与先楫半导体合作,实现IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 与他们创新的RISC-V微控制器的无缝集成," IAR 亚太区副总裁Kiyo Uemura表示, "这是我们致力于推动RISC-V最新技术和架构发展的重要举措。我们期待为RISC-V开发人员提供强大的开发环境,以最大程度提高他们的生产力,帮助他们实现高效的软件开发和卓越的成果。"

We are pleased to collaborate with HPMicro to seamlessly integrate IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V with their innovative RISC-V microcontrollers," said Kiyo Uemura, Area Vice President of IAR Asia Pacific. "This is an important initiative in our commitment to drive the latest technology and architectural developments in RISC-V. We look forward to providing a powerful development environment for RISC-V developers to maximize their productivity and achieve efficient software development and outstanding results."

先楫半导体软件包含IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 支持的HPM SDK预览版预计于2023年7月释放,请联系先楫半导体的销售工程师、FAE以及官方代理商获取详细信息。

HPMicro's software package, including the HPM SDK preview version supported by IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V, is expected to be released in July 2023. For detailed information, please contact HPMicro's sales engineers, FAEs, or official distributors.

如需了解关于 IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V 的更多信息以及 IAR 为 RISC-V 提供的整体服务,请访问 https://www.iar.com/riscv。此外,IAR 还在国内设立了直销团队,为客户提供快速、专业、本地化的技术支持服务,可致电 021 - 6375 8658 联系。

In addition, IAR has established a direct sales team in China to provide quick, professional, and localized technical support. You can contact IAR China team at 021 - 6375 8658.


Joy Xu, China Marketing Manager, IAR

Tel: +86 21  6375 8658     


Lisa Li,  Marketing Manager, HPMicro

Tel: +86 21 5899 3108      

E-mail: sha.li@hpmicro.com


IAR为嵌入式开发提供世界领先的软件和服务,帮助世界各地的公司创造满足当前需求和未来趋势的安全创新产品。自1983年以来,IAR解决方案在确保质量、安全、可靠和效率的同时,帮助工业自动化、物联网、汽车和医疗等行业的公司开发了超过一百万个嵌入式应用。IAR为200多个半导体合作伙伴的15000个设备提供支持。公司总部位于瑞典乌普萨拉,并在世界各地设有销售和支持办事处。IAR为 I.A.R.Systems Group AB 所有,在纳斯达克 OMX 斯德哥尔摩交易所上市,属于中型股指数(股票代码:IAR B)。如需了解详情,请访问 www.iar.com。

IAR provides world-leading software and services for embedded development, helping companies worldwide create secure and innovative products that meet current needs and future trends. Since 1983, IAR solutions have enabled companies in industries such as industrial automation, IoT, automotive, and medical to develop over one million embedded applications while ensuring quality, safety, reliability, and efficiency. IAR supports 15,000 devices from over 200 semiconductor partners. The company is headquartered in Uppsala, Sweden, with sales and support offices worldwide. IAR is owned by I.A.R. Systems Group AB and is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Exchange under the ticker symbol "IAR B." For more information, please visit www.iar.com.


“先楫半导体”(HPMicro)是一家致力于高性能嵌入式解决方案的半导体公司,总部位于上海,产品覆盖微控制器、微处理器和周边芯片,以及配套的开发工具和生态系统。公司成立于2020年6月,总部坐落于上海市张江高科技园区,并在天津、深圳和苏州均设立分公司。核心团队来自世界知名半导体公司管理团队,具有15年以上,超过20个SoC的丰富的研发及管理经验。先楫半导体以产品质量为本,所有产品均通过严格的可靠性测试。目前已经量产的高性能通用MCU产品系列HPM6700/6400、HPM6300及HPM6200,性能领先国际同类产品并通过AEC-Q100认证。公司已完成ISO9001质量管理认证和ISO 26262功能安全管理体系ASIL D认证,全力服务中国乃至全球的工业、汽车和能源市场。更多信息,请访问 http://www.hpmicro.com。

HPMicro Semiconductor Co. Ltd is a fabless semiconductor company dedicated to high-performance embedded solutions. Headquartered in Shanghai, HPMicro offers microcontrollers, microprocessors, peripheral chips, as well as development tools and ecosystems. The company was established in June 2020 and is located in the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in Shanghai, with branches in Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Suzhou. For more information, please visit http://www.hpmicro.com.