【全球同发】Andes晶心、经纬恒润暨先楫半导体三方携手共筑RISC-V AUTOSAR软件生态


【2024年5月14日】Andes晶心科技、经纬恒润、先楫半导体联合宣布三方将开展合作,结合AndesCoreTM RISC-V处理器系列、先楫半导体HPM6200全线产品和经纬恒润的Vehicle OS软件平台解决方案,共同致力于RISC-V在车规级芯片领域的生态。此次合作经纬恒润AUTOSAR产品INTEWORK-EAS将适配先楫半导体HPM6200全线产品,对MCAL软件适配和工程集成进行支持,协助先楫半导体构建AUTOSAR解决方案。经纬恒润是目前少有的具备多款RISC-V车规级芯片适配经验的AUTOSAR基础软件供应商,长久以来积极推动生态共建,愿助力共同促进RISC-V车规级芯片生态繁荣。HPM6200全线产品共有12个产品型号,内置晶心科技AndesCoreTM D45单核或双核RISC-V处理器,该系列产品具有高性能、即时特性,应用领域包括新能源、储能、工业自动化、电动车等。通过本次合作,先楫半导体的芯片产品将以功能更加完善、服务更加完整的状态面向汽车电子不同应用场景,推动RISC-V技术在汽车电子领域的生态兼容。未来,经纬恒润与先楫半导体将保持合作,持续为迭代的新产品提供软件平台解决方案。

INTEWORK-EAS是经纬恒润自主研发,符合 AUTOSAR 标准的软件产品, 具备完整的 AUTOSAR 工具链,兼容多种业内主流数据格式,如 DBC、LDF、PDX、ODX、ARXML 等,支持与第三方 MCAL 工具链无缝集成。解决方案涵盖了嵌入式标准软件、AUTOSAR 工具链、集成服务和培训等各个方面的内容,旨在为OEM 和供应商提供稳定可靠、便捷易用的 AUTOSAR 平台。经纬恒润重视软硬件一体解决方案建设,自INTEWORK-EAS系列产品在国际知名芯片上经过广泛量产验证之后,经纬恒润不断深化与芯片企业之间的合作,共同向车规级市场提供更加完善的软硬件一体解决方案。对于经纬恒润而言,此次与先楫半导体HPM6200产品适配合作,将为其芯片生态合作圈增加新的重要成员,并使其保持在RISC-V生态适配方面的领先地位。

先楫半导体HPM6200采用晶心科技D45内核,循序执行8级双发射超纯量技术,具有优化的存储流水线设计以及进阶分支预测功能,主频达到 600 MHz,性能超过 3390 CoreMark和 1710 DMIPS, 同时支持符合IEEE754的单/双精度浮点运算单元(FPU)及RISC-V P (草案) 扩充指令 (DSP/SIMD)。D45系列核心也具有区域内存(local memory)支持的储存子系统,以及可配置的指令及资料快取记忆体,对于HPM6000系列支持大量记忆体的SoC,可进一步提升其软件效能。在应用市场而言, D45核心非常适合用于对响应时间和即时准确性特别要求的嵌入式应用产品。

HPM6200产品除了高算力RISC-V CPU,还整合一系列高性能外设以及外扩存储。此外, HPM6200 系列还提供增强 PWM 控制系统,以及用于复杂信号生成的可编程逻辑阵列PLA。集成了AES-128/256、SHA-1/256 加速引擎和硬件密钥管理器, HPM6200可以支持固件软件签名认证、加密启动和加密执行,可防止非法的代码替换、篡改或复制,进一步提升安全性。先楫半导体已完成ISO9001质量管理认证,和ISO 26262功能安全管理体系ASIL D认证,HPM6200 全线产品则通过AEC-Q100 G1认证,工作温度范围在-40~125℃。HPM6200与经纬恒润AUTOSAR适配之后, 将结合此软件方案全力推广于中国乃至全球的汽车市场。


先楫半导体执行长曾劲涛表示:「晶心科技D45处理器能够为先楫半导体超高速即时运算要求的MCU系列产品提供高效支持。在某些测试环境下,Andes CPU性能超越其他竞品,表现优异,且经由晶心产品导入所提供的即时技术支持,协助我们成功并快速地完成HPM6000系列的成功流片,双方团队可谓完美地进行了一次紧密高效的合作。」「对于先楫半导体来说, 此次适配经纬恒润的AUTOSAR合作,这不仅意味着先楫半导体产品得到了业界的广泛认可,更意味着内嵌Andes RISC-V内核的高性能微控制器产品在新能源电动汽车领域的应用前景得到了进一步拓展。」

晶心科总经理暨技术长苏泓萌博士表示:「晶心科技D45配合先楫半导体为开发者提供完备的生态系统, 客户得以设计出更高效能、和更多功能的软体,因而得以领先同业推出内嵌高效能RISC-V内核之MCU安全解决方案,此充分展现其团队的超高效率及卓越的研发能力。」「经纬恒润与先楫半导体的合作为行业树立了典范,也为后续的合作提供了宝贵经验。我们期待未来能够看到更多类似的合作,共同推动汽车电子产业的繁荣发展。」

Global Version

May 14, 2024 —Andes, HiRain, and HPMicro jointly announced that the three parties will cooperate to combine the AndesCoreTM RISC-V processor series, the HPMicro HPM6200 full line of products, and the HiRain Vehicle OS software platform solutions to jointly build the RISC-V ecosystem in the field of automotive electronics. In this cooperation, HiRain's AUTOSAR product INTEWORK-EAS will be adapted to HPMicro's full line of HPM6200 products, supporting MCAL software adaptation and engineering integration for  HPMicro’s AUTOSAR solutions. HiRain is currently one of the few major AUTOSAR software suppliers with experiences in supporting multiple RISC-V automotive-grade chips. HiRain has been an active player in enabling the RISC-V AUTOSAR ecosystem. The HPM6200 product line has 12 product models, with built-in AndesCoreTM D45 single-core or dual-core RISC-V processor. This series of products has high performance and real-time features, and its application fields include new energy, energy storage, industrial automation, electric vehicles, etc. Through this cooperation, the HPMicro's chip products will target different application scenarios of automotive electronics with more complete functions and services, enhancing the compatibility of RISC-V technology in the field of automotive electronics. In the future, HiRain and HPMicro will continue to cooperate and continue to provide AUTOSAR software platform solutions for new products.

INTEWORK-EAS is a software product independently developed by HiRain that complies with the AUTOSAR standards. It has a complete AUTOSAR tool chain and is compatible with a variety of mainstream data formats in the industry, such as DBC, LDF, PDX, ODX, ARXML, etc. It supports seamless integration with third-party MCAL toolchains. The solution covers all aspects of standard embedded software, AUTOSAR tool chain, integration services and training, aiming to provide OEMs and suppliers with a stable, reliable, convenient, and easy-to-use AUTOSAR platform. HiRain attaches great importance to the construction of integrated software and hardware solutions. The INTEWORK-EAS series products have been extensively mass-produced and verified on internationally renowned SoC platforms, and HiRain continues to deepen its cooperation with chip companies to jointly provide more integrated software and hardware solutions to the automotive market. For HiRain, this cooperation with HPMicro adds a new important company to its chip partner list and secures its leadership position in the AUTOSAR ecosystem.

HPMicro HPM6200 has adopted the D45 core, which has an 8-stage dual-issue superscalar design, with a main frequency of 600 MHz and performance exceeding 3390 CoreMark and 1710 DMIPS, while supporting IEEE754-compliant single/double-precision floating-point unit (FPU) and RISC-V P (draft) instructions (DSP/SIMD). The D45 core also has a memory subsystem that can support configurable instruction and data caches and local memories which can further improve software performance for the HPM6200 series SoCs. In terms of the application market, the D45 core is very suitable for embedded applications that have special requirements for fast response time and high arithmetic accuracy.

In addition to the high computing power RISC-V CPU, the HPM6200 product also integrates a series of high-performance peripherals and external storage. Further, the HPM6200 series also provides an enhanced PWM control system and a programmable logic array PLA for complex signal generation. Integrating AES-128/256, SHA-1/256 acceleration engines and hardware key managers, the HPM6200 can support hardware and software signature authentication, secure boot, and encrypted execution to prevent illegal code replacement, tampering or copying, further improving safety. HPMicro has completed the ISO9001 quality management certification and ISO 26262 functional safety management system ASIL D certification. The entire line of HPM6200 products has passed the AEC-Q100 G1 certification, with an operating temperature range of -40° to 125°C. After the HiRain INTEWORK-EAS is adapted to the HPM6200, this packaged solution will be fully promoted in the China and rest of the world automotive markets.

Jimmy Zhang, head of HiRain's embedded software sector, said: "We are very pleased to cooperate with Andes and HPMicro. The three parties jointly create a software and hardware integration solution based on RISC-V to target the growing automotive market. In this era of rapid iteration of chips, it is important to take full advantages of the AUTOSAR middleware.  We have strong capabilities in supporting new hardware platforms and this cooperation will once again prove this. In the future, we hope to work with more partners to provide integrated solutions and promote them to the automotive industry."

Jintao Zeng, CEO of HPMicro, said: "The D45 processor can provide high performance and low-latency for HPMicro's MCU series products that require ultra-high-speed real-time computing. The CPU performance is excellent and in some test environments it can surpass other competing products.  Andes technical support helped us quickly and successfully complete the tape-out of the HPM6000 series. The two teams have a close and efficient cooperation." "For HPMicro, this AUTOSAR cooperation with HiRain means that the HPMicro products have been widely recognized by the industry, and can drive adoption for high-performance microcontroller products with Andes RISC-V cores into the field of new energy electric vehicles.”

Dr. Charlie Su, President and CTO of Andes Technology, said: "The D45 core and the HPMicro HPM6200 SoC provide developers with a versatile hardware platform, allowing customers to design software with higher performance and more features.  The cooperation with HiRain and HPMicro has set a good example for the industry to take a RISC-V MCU into the wider automotive applications. We look forward to participating in more similar cooperations in the future to jointly promote great products to the automotive electronics industry."