This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of HPM SDK. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

6.17. l1 cache

6.17.1. Overview

l1c This example project shows the configuration of l1 cache.

6.17.2. Port Settings

  • Serial port baud rate is set to 115200bps, with one stop bit and no parity bit

6.17.3. Running the example

When the project runs correctly, the serial port terminal will output the following information (taking HPM6750 for example):

l1 cache driver example
icache config: set: 128
  way: 4-way
  size: 64 bytes
  lock: with locking support
  ecc: No parity/ECC
  local memory ecc: No parity/ECC
dcache config:
  set: 128
  way: 4-way
  size: 64 bytes
  lock: with locking support
  ecc: No parity/ECC
  local memory ecc: No parity/ECC
dcache is enabled
icache is enabled