This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of HPM SDK. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

6.8. SDRAM example

6.8.1. Overview

SDMA example project shows performance of reading and writing data in internal or external SDRAM memory.

6.8.2. Board Setting

No special settings

6.8.3. Running the example

When the project runs correctly, and the serial port terminal will output the following information:

sdram example start @ 166666666
Dcache Enabled
Comparison test
comparison test: from 0x40000000 to 0x42000000
d-cached enabled and flushed
**  comparison succeeded
Testing SDRAM
d-cached enabled
read performance @0x40000000, 32768KB
read throughput: 117288.25 KB/s
write performance @0x40000000, 32768KB
write throughput: 103431.06 KB/s
Dcache Disabled
Comparison test
comparison test: from 0x40000000 to 0x42000000
d-cached disabled
**  comparison succeeded
Testing SDRAM
d-cached disabled
read performance @0x40000000, 32768KB
read throughput: 20472.71 KB/s
write performance @0x40000000, 32768KB
write throughput: 33216.41 KB/s
sdram example end