This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of HPM SDK. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.


24.2.1. Overview

This example project shows a USB CDC virtual serial port and a MSC virtual U disk

  • a virtual serial port is listed on Device Manager

  • a virtual u disk is shown in Resouce Manager

24.2.2. Board Setting

  • Connect a USB port on PC to the PWR DEBUG port on the development board with a USB Type-C cable

  • Connect a USB port on PC to one of USB port on the development board with a USB Type-C cable

24.2.3. Running the example

When the project runs correctly

  • PC automatically installs a USB-to-serial port driver and enumerate a composite device with a virtual serial port and a virtual U disk

  • Enter any letters on the serial terminal, and the USB device will echo the letters back to PC

  • Open Reource Manager to find a virtual disk named “TinyUSB MSC” and access it temporarily before the MCU system powers off or restarts