This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of HPM SDK. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

22.1. AES CBC example

22.1.1. Overview

aes_ccm_mode_example the example project shows the implementation of aes-ccm mode of equal symmetric encryption and decryption algorithm. In this project, aes128 encryption algorithm CCM mode is used to encrypt and decrypt RFC 3610, and the module encryption and decryption is completed through 8 tests.

22.1.2. Board Setting

No special settings

22.1.3. Running the example

When the project runs correctly, and the serial port terminal will output the following information:

tc_start() - Performing AES128 tests:
Performing CBC tests:
CBC test #1 (encryption SP 800-38a tests):
PASS - test_1_and_2.
CBC test #2 (decryption SP 800-38a tests):
PASS - test_1_and_2.
All CBC tests succeeded!
PASS - main.