This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of HPM SDK. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

19.1. FreeRTOS Hello

19.1.1. Overview

The freertos_hello example shows freertos task scheduling function.

19.1.2. Board Setting

No special settings are required

19.1.3. Running the example

When the example runs successfully, the LED starts flashing and following message is displayed in the terminal:

> Toggle the led pin level.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.
> Toggle the led pin level.
> LED is on.
> LED is on.
> LED is on.
> Toggle the led pin level.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.
> LED is off.